Soaring to New Heights

Soaring to New Heights

September – October 2023 Following Our Footsteps Pastor Fredy Osorio, one of our church planters, invited me to preach his first missions conference this year. It was definitely a challenge due to a death metal music concert going on right outside during the...
Like Family

Like Family

November – December 2020 Like Family We went from coast to coast and back again. We visited about twenty churches and are thankful for the pastors that went out of their way to bless us. Pictured above is one of them. He is one of the most gracious and humble...
On The Road

On The Road

September – October 2020 On the road We decided to come back to the States to get our furlough done a few months early during the pandemic. The Lord put together a schedule for us to visit eighteen churches. We have travelled through eighteen states from Idaho...
The One

The One

July – August 2020 The one In Luke 15 Jesus uses the parable of the ninety and nine. Although our ministry has been hindered almost completely due to the pandemic, God is still looking for lost sheep. Paula, one of our Bible institute students, recently shared...
New Normal

New Normal

May – June 2020 New Normal We have now been under a national quarantine for over 100 days. This translates to no in person meetings of any kind since early March. Thankfully, our online services and Bible Institute have forged ahead and we are now halfway...
Forging Ahead

Forging Ahead

March – April 2020 Great Potential Just as we were getting ready to get together to start scheduling our 120 counties project, we hit a wall: the Coronavirus. Our plans to take the Gospel into each one of the counties of our state with our women’s foundation...
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