January – February 2024


We recently travelled to Bogotá to renew our daughter’s passport. We had the chance to revisit Monserrate, a famous church overlooking the capital. We took a photo at the same place that we did on our first visit to Colombia back in 2009. As we overlooked the enormous city, a little older and wiser now, we thanked God for all He’s done over the past 15 years. It has been a privilege to serve God here. Pray He continues to mold us into His image and impact this country for Christ.

Salvation Sunday

A few weeks ago we had a service with the focus on inviting friends and family, and winning the lost. I invited my friend Peter Putney preach the special day for us. The day was a huge success. Our people worked hard and invited many. They invited so many that we set a record attendance as everyone cramped into our sanctuary. The word was preached and the Spirit moved in hearts. We praise God  because during the invitation 7 people responded to accept Jesus as Savior.

A New Brother

Andres approached me after services one Sunday asking to talk in private. We met a few days later to get to know each other and I heard his story. I told him I couldn’t let our time end without sharing the message of salvation with him. I then thoroughly explained the gospel and encouraged him to trust Jesus. Afterwards, he bowed to accept the Lord. Praise God for a new brother in Christ!

Clásico IBAC

There is a rivalry soccer game here between two pro soccer teams. They call this game the “Clásico”. We decided to have a “Clásico IBAC” (Iglesia Bautista Amistad en Cristo) and scheduled a church fellowship. The white team was losing until I entered the game (laughing sarcastically). Sadly, it wasn’t enough and we finished tied up. All had fun and couldn’t get out of bed the next day.

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