March – April 2024

Faithful Men

The Bible says we are to take that which we have learned and commit it to faithful men. By doing this, we expand our reach beyond what we are physically capable of. Over the last several months it has been a joy to see our people (primarily men) win others to Christ. Of all those saved recently, our men have done the vast majority of the work. Above is Ignacio, one of our deacons, with Robinson, a man whom he led to Christ. Praise God for the faithful men he has given me!

Javier’s Ordination

My assistant and I recently traveled to Pitalito, Colombia. The city of our newest church plant. We got to spend some much-needed time of fellowship with Javier and his family. We also got to see how the work has grown. A year ago they started with 3. Now they have around 30. We also got to ordain him into the Gospel ministry. And if that wasn’t enough, we were blessed to be able to participate in the baptism of three young people. We are excited to see God continue to use Javier.

Working Hard

Praise God for the work he’s doing in Pastor Fredy’s life and church. He continues to develop his ministry. Above you can see him baptizing Josías. Fredy is 2 years into his new church plant. He works full-time in computer networking and full-time as a church planter. God blesses work and Fredy is in a good place to receive those blessings. Pray God continues to work hard through him.

At Home

While God works through other men, in other parts of Colombia, he continues his work through us here at home. We recently had the privilege to see three new believers follow Jesus in baptism. One was reached by family, another through a friend, and another found us as he searched for a conservative church. God continues reaching people. We are thankful he continues to work here at home.

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