

September – October 2022 Reaching We have church wide soul-winning twice a week. We are getting out a lot of material and continuing to reach many with the Gospel. More exciting than all of that, is watching God build our evangelistic core with young people....
Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

July – August 2022 Saying Goodbye When we got to the field in 2011 our daughter Abby was just 7 years old. She was painting her face, swinging from trees with her sister in the park, and dressing up in costumes. This summer, we helped her start a new chapter in...
Divine Appointment

Divine Appointment

May – June 2022 Divine Appointment I was soul winning on a Tuesday and often go to a government square where many people can be found waiting for appointments. I sat down with Brian while he was waiting for a friend inside. We spoke of the spiritual realm and he...
Pray ye therefore…

Pray ye therefore…

March – April 2022 Winning I went to visit one of our shut-ins recently. She is not able to come to church do to the full-time care of her mentally handicapped adult son. After encouraging her in the Word, I decided to speak with her husband. Oscar, a retired...
Launching Out

Launching Out

January – February 2022 Growth at Home As COVID restrictions begin to be removed, the church is filling up. The last several Sundays we have had people left standing in back looking for a place to sit. Caren’s mother had been visiting from Venezuela for several...
Making Disciples

Making Disciples

November – December 2021 Brian Knox My wife Katie and I had prayed for years about having an English ministry. We had tried to do it but things never seemed to come together. God answered our prayers. Brian Knox, a retired audiologist (hearing specialist) and...
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