November – December 2022

Deeper Love

Our Bible Institute is one of our most important ministries. It offers our people the opportunity to study theology in a way that isn’t possible otherwise. This year I taught a brand new course, Manuscript Evidence. It is a subject that many Christians lack the depth necessary to truly appreciate their Bibles. Anything to help develop a greater appreciation for the Scriptures should be welcome in our lives. These students finished with a deeper love for the Word of God.

Chosen to be Soldiers

We had our second annual youth camp recently. It was a huge success! Our theme was “Chosen to be Soldiers”. We had a record attendance and a record number of Churches involved. We did early morning calisthenics, ice cold swims, and some pretty hard core games. Many decisions were made and 5 teens trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. Pray for these young people as they have a tough spiritual challenge ahead. But, God didn’t call us to comfort, He chose us to live the life of a soldier.

Happy Holidays

We had a great time celebrating with our church family this year at our exciting annual Christmas party and presented the Gospel on Christmas morning. We hope you were able to do the same and create some precious memories. May 2023 be a year like no other and may God manifest Himself to you and through you in a way that brings rich personal growth and many others to faith in our Savior.

God is Moving

One of our young Colombian couples (Javier and Liliana) and I leave tomorrow on a survey trip to another part of Colombia. They surrendered to full time ministry last year at our missions conference. There is so much to tell of what God is doing as he guides us towards an amazing opportunity that he has opened up. Please pray for this couple. I look forward to sharing more in the coming months.

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