Bearing Much Fruit

Bearing Much Fruit

March – April 2017 What Shall I do? We were having a regular Wednesday night service and Beda, one of our members arrived with a guest. They both sat down and listened to the study for the evening. Afterwards, we began the prayer part of the service. Many began...
Making Big Impacts

Making Big Impacts

January – February 2017 Making Big Impacts The Lord placed something on my heart shortly after we arrived back from furlough, missions. It was not missions as in evangelism, not missions as in discipleship, nor was it missions as in going. It was missions as in...
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

November – December 2016 Welcome Home After arriving back home during the first week of December, we were greeted with many smiles and hugs. Our church did a great job “holding the fort”. We praise God for their faithfulness during our travels. Just a week...
I Will Praise Thee

I Will Praise Thee

September – October 2016 I Will Praise Thee After driving the equivalent of approximately 3/4 of the way around the earth, we finished up our furlough travels. We will now spend our remaining time with  family, friends and our home church before returning to...
The Harvest Cometh

The Harvest Cometh

July – August 2016 The Harvest Cometh Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. Furlough travels have been going well and we have had an encouraging time reconnecting with our partners. Just as I was finishing up with my “western circuit” of church...
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