July – August 2023

Teamwork Works

There is a reason God sent them out in a team; it works! I was so happy to have my wife Katie, my daughter Lily, my assistant pastor Jonathan Beadles and my good missionary friend Peter Putney accompany me to Pitalito, Colombia. They were all a tremendous help and blessing to me and the new pastor, Javier Echeverry. If churches would just work together to plant new works, the gospel could spread faster and further. Collectively, we might even turn the world upside down! 

Inauguration Service

We arrived in Pitalito (a 2-3 hour flight from Medellín) on a Friday afternoon and began to soul win and invite people to the inauguration service. We went out again all day Saturday. Preparations were made and Sunday arrived. We weren’t sure what to expect. We waited and waited. People began to trickle in. By the time we got started, more than 70 people arrived and people had to sit outside! It was a fantastic turnout. Thank you for praying!

Connections Made

The service was a great success. There were over 50 visitors! Peter and I did a team message. He taught on the law in Sunday School. I preached on Grace in the Main service. During the invitation 6 people responded to be saved! Pastor Javier is now discipling several that were saved and following up with the rest. When we put in the work and trust God for the fruit, it is amazing what He will do!

At Home

At home we have been able to see more saved and graduate disciples from our discipleship classes. The great thing is, is that I am seeing God use our faithful church members to do a lot of the work. I am so thankful for all the servants God has given us. None of this would be possible without them. Please pray that God continues to build the home team and that more people are added to the church.

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