July – August 2019

In His Time

Last October I received a call from a Christian woman wanting assistance at a women’s foundation she had begun. It was centered on teaching social and business skills to oppressed and abused women. The founder was a new Christian and wanted to present the gospel to these women and their families, but wasn’t sure how to do it. About 9 months passed until we heard from her again.

Suddenly, she called asking me to come and preach and bring some of our Romans booklets. We have been going for just two months and have already seen 24 people saved! We just had to wait for His timing and He has been faithful to give the fruit!

First Missions Trip

I had the privilege of going  to the Amazon jungle again in July. This time was extra special though. I was able to take a young lady who is preparing for the mission field from our church, and my oldest daughter. It was the first time for both of them to go on a missions trip. 

Over the course of the trip we saw snakes, tarantulas, lots of weird diseases, and got to present the Gospel to hundreds of people. We worked in a team of 43 people, saw 865 patients in 6 villages,  and saw 23 get saved. What a joy to observe God use both Salomé and my daughter, Abigail. God is being faithful to develop these two young ladies.

Scrambling for Chairs

Our church move has proven to be a huge blessing. We have had 70 visitors in the last two months, 7 saved, and have a group of 6 waiting to be baptized. In a recent service, the congregation was so full that our leaders were scrambling all over the place looking for extra chairs! God is faithfully doing what we trusted He would.

Pray for the Future

A good position for us to be in as Christians, is when we are uncomfortable, but confident. We sense we are at our limits in many ways, but know we are right where God wants us to be. He has called us to great things. Pray that we will  remain sensitive to His leading while we forge ahead.

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