July – August 2015

Dramatic Changes

On June 1st we started our highly anticipated and very necessary renovation project. We praise the Lord that the project has now come to a close.

As you may know during these past several months, the value of the US Dollar has skyrocketed. Once again, our God knows exactly what He is doing, and our finances reached much further than expected allowing us to add other improvements to the project not previously planned.

Not only is the interior more spacious and beautiful, but we actually have curb appeal! Several people have stopped by admiring and wanting to take a peek inside. We have also had visitors as a result. Praise God! Our Lord is worthy of a beautiful temple from which to worship Him. (Above: God’s people praying during first service in renovated building)

A Family in Healing

While on door to door visitation a few months ago I met a nice couple. They then started coming to church and seemed to be a family with everything in order.

Then we started to learn about  their tremendous debt. In addition, their marriage was on the rocks and we heard of physical abuse that was taking place.

By taking  small steps to put the Lord first, they are now starting to get victories. God is the master healer and they are experiencing His changing grace.

Project Medellín

This Bible campaign starts the end of October. We will distribute 40,000 New Testaments with a clear Gospel presentation outlined inside each one.

Please pray for the Bibles to make it through customs, the team coming from the States, and for liberty and power as we place  the Gospel in the hands of so many without Christ. Oh, that the Lord be lifted up and many be gently drawn into His merciful hands!

Thank You

A special thanks to my friend Arnie from Florida (a fireman/architect) who helped me so much with the design. You would be proud, my friend! It came out beautiful.

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