The Great Commission

The Great Commission

September – October 2019 Fruit Bearers  William is one of my right hand men at the church. He is a Bible institute student, a Sunday school teacher, and a faithful soul-winner.  Guillermo, a man who had been attending our church for a while, felt...
Faithful is He

Faithful is He

July – August 2019 In His Time Last October I received a call from a Christian woman wanting assistance at a women’s foundation she had begun. It was centered on teaching social and business skills to oppressed and abused women. The founder was a new Christian...
Casting the Net

Casting the Net

May – June 2019 Amazon Missions Last year I began participating in a biannual medical missions trip to the Amazon regions of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. In May, I went again, and this time I brought Fredy one of our young preacher men along. It was another...
God is…

God is…

March – April 2019 Increasing our Reach I met brother Marcos Ramirez on our Amazon missions trip last fall. He is a Peruvian missionary working in the Amazon basin. He immediately struck me as a special individual. March marks the end of our missions year and...
Excited for the Future

Excited for the Future

January – February 2019 Skin in the Game The Lord put it on our hearts this year to have our first preaching conference. We invited Eli Perez, an assistant pastor from one of our supporting churches in Tucson, Arizona. It was his first time flying over the big...
Blessings From Heaven

Blessings From Heaven

September – October 2018 Blessings From Heaven He knows our needs We have given out free Bibles and evangelistic and discipleship materials ever since we started here. But recently, we have begun to start running low on supplies. I remember thinking, “We need to...
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