May – June 2024


We have prayed for years for God to open the door for us to be able to connect with institutions training young people for the ministry. In May we were privileged to host a group of college students from West Coast Baptist College in California. They came down and we packed in as much as possible into their 8 day trip. We are excited because God touched the hearts of a few students and they expressed interest in coming back for an extended visit. Pray God calls more laborers!

Our Permission

After we asked the local gang leaders if we could work in their neighborhood and paid the small extortion fee, they said you have “our permission”. Two of our churches worked together and we also had the help of the college students from West Coast Baptist College.  We had about 150 from the neighborhood show up. Praise the Lord for 7 precious young souls that accepted Christ as Savior. Pray for Pastor Fredy as he does the follow-up.

Preaching Christ

God tells us “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them…” We praise God for the souls we have seen saved over the past few months as we and our faithful soul-winners hit the streets to preach the Gospel. It is such a blessing to see the fruit increase exponentially as others alongside us obey the command. Don’t forget that the preaching of Christ is what the world needs.

Taking Ground

I recently had the opportunity to go survey some new areas with my friend, missionary Peter Putney, as he considers sending out a new church planter. We went north to the coastal area around Apartadó. There is no fundamental church there. We got to see the need and preach Christ. Praise God for one that got saved. Pray that God sends more laborers so that we can take more ground for Christ’s kingdom!

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