January – February 2025
New Years
We had a wonderful service to celebrate the New Year. Six of our faithful men ranging from sixty-three to nineteen years old preached to us. They all did a wonderful job and collectively challenged the church in a very productive way. Although they were all very nervous to stand up in front of their peers and proclaim God’s truth at first, once they did, they sensed the Spirit helping them and were asking when we could do it again. Praise God for his preachers!
My Pastor
It was a privilege to host my pastor, Rick DeMichele, and our mission’s director Paul Huddleston. We had a special evangelistic service and encouraged our people to bring visitors. As he preached and I translated God’s Spirit moved. During the invitation 3 men responded and trusted Jesus as Savior. A statement he jokingly made while seeing the vast city of Medellín that stuck with me was, “Well, it looks like all the people in the world aren’t in the USA after all.”
God’s Men
For our first men’s meeting of the year we did something special. We invited 4 different churches in the area, were privileged to have my pastor bring the message, and had a wonderful lunch afterwards. Pray for our men as we attempt to place more emphasis on ministering to them this year. A recent survey I read said that when a man is reached for Christ, 86% of time his family is also reached after him.
My wife Katie started our ladies ministry in January with a beautiful luncheon and Bible study entitled Atentas. That word means attentive ones. It’s the theme for the year which references the 5 wise virgins when they prepared for the bridegroom to come. She challenged the ladies to live each day more watchful for opportunities to serve as the Lord’s return approaches and to be busy about his work.
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