Receiving the Gift

Receiving the Gift

November – December 2019 Desperate Times During a meeting, a young man with wads of paper in his hands came up to our table. He asked if we wanted to buy some currency. He said it would basically be for a souvenir. We gave him some pesos and each took a bill. He...
The Great Commission

The Great Commission

September – October 2019 Fruit Bearers  William is one of my right hand men at the church. He is a Bible institute student, a Sunday school teacher, and a faithful soul-winner.  Guillermo, a man who had been attending our church for a while, felt...
Faithful is He

Faithful is He

July – August 2019 In His Time Last October I received a call from a Christian woman wanting assistance at a women’s foundation she had begun. It was centered on teaching social and business skills to oppressed and abused women. The founder was a new Christian...
Casting the Net

Casting the Net

May – June 2019 Amazon Missions Last year I began participating in a biannual medical missions trip to the Amazon regions of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. In May, I went again, and this time I brought Fredy one of our young preacher men along. It was another...
God is…

God is…

March – April 2019 Increasing our Reach I met brother Marcos Ramirez on our Amazon missions trip last fall. He is a Peruvian missionary working in the Amazon basin. He immediately struck me as a special individual. March marks the end of our missions year and...
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