July – August 2024

At Home

Earlier this year my sending church invited me to come to their 4th of July preaching conference. We accepted and went back to Idaho, spent a month preaching, reporting to supporters, and even presenting to a few new churches. We also got to spend some much needed time with our oldest daughter and help her get registered for college. We also got to participate in my father-n-laws 80th birthday. We only hope we were as much of a blessing to others at home as they were to us!

Youth Camp 2024

We had a great turnout this year with around 45 youth and 20 workers coming from 4 different churches. We played hard and heard some great preaching. Great memories and new friendships were made. God worked in the young people’s lives and he challenged many to make important decisions. The greatest part of all was that 4 young people made the greatest decision of all: trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior. Everyone was sad when it ended. Youth camp 2024 was a success.

First of Many

I have been praying and working for the past several years trying to get an internship program started. Praise the Lord, Ben Hite from Pennsylvania decided to be our first one. If you have men or women interested in missions we would be glad to have them down and give them the same opportunity. We pray Ben leaves touched by the Spirit and that he is the first of many to come.

Passing Through

We recently evangelized together with our new church plant. We went downtown and gave the Gospel. I spoke to Jairo, a young man from outside of town. I spoke to him about Jesus and his need to be saved. As we finished and he prepared to leave, he changed his mind. He realized he wasn’t just passing through but this was a divine appointment. He trusted Christ and then went on his way.

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