September – October 2014

Preaching in a Sewing Factory

Luz Marina is a woman who recently started attending our church in La Campiña. She is a displaced person, which means she fled her small town in the mountains to escape the violence caused by Colombia’s ongoing civil war. She has since reestablished herself in San Cristobal and started a clothing business.

After visiting the church, she asked if we could visit her to talk more about spiritual things in her home. I agreed and unbeknownst to me, God was doing something else. She later mentioned to me that she employed about a dozen people with her business and was hoping that I could bring a message to them from the Bible. I heartily agreed still not really knowing what to expect. Preparations were made and the date arrived to visit Luz and her small business.

I arrived that Monday morning to two adjoining apartments filled with clothing material in every direction you looked. There were sewing machines, ironing boards, and different stations set up. Luz gathered all of her employees in one room and said, “We are ready to begin.” I preached the gospel to them and ever since, we have met every week with interest growing and God moving more and more. Please pray for the San Cristobal Bible study. God wants this group of unbelievers saved and with your prayers it will happen.

Building Project

In the last few months we have received donations towards our future building project. We are now in the process of getting plans drawn up and will be one step closer to seeing things begin. Please pray that things can move forward quickly without complications. If your church would like to add a donation please send the gift to our account marked “building project”.

Medellín Bible Project 

October 2015 is the tentative schedule for the Bible campaign. 35,000 New Testaments will be given to neighborhoods, communities, and schools. To donate or get involved please contact for further details.

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